Rusty Russ strikes again

The Hearne City Council is convening a special meeting on Monday, hoping to block a ballot initiative that would force a forensic audit of city hall finances. As I reported last Monday, such an audit could very well send some city officials to prison.

Rusty.249111858_stdEnter City Attorney Bryan F. “Rusty” Russ, Jr. at stage right.  According to the city charter, the city secretary was supposed to transmit the petitions in support of the initiative to the county for certification of voters’ signatures.  Instead, Mr. Russ intercepted the petitions and is holding them at his private office, thereby preventing certification.

That should not surprise anyone who knows Mr. Russ, a shameless white-collar criminal and a ringleader of the Booger County Mafia. I suspect he’s trying to keep some of his Mafia allies out of prison, e.g., Mayor Ruben Gomez, City Manager Pee Wee Drake, Councilman Michael Werlinger, Councilwomen LaShunda White and Joyce Rattler, and City Judge Hazel Embra. And for all I know, he may be trying to keep himself out of prison.

Yesterday I sent an email to Mr. Russ asking why the petitions had not been submitted to the county.  In a one-sentence reply, Mr. Russ demanded to know who I was representing, as if that mattered.  I told him that I was representing former Mayor Milton Johnson, Councilwoman Shirley Harris, and council candidate Rodrick Jackson, who were (along with council candidate Martha Castelija) the organizers of the petition drive. … Read more

Hearne voters may get to impose audit on City Hall

Voters in Hearne may get to impose a forensic audit on City Hall, and that could ultimately send some city officials to prison.  Around 1:30 p.m. this afternoon, proponents of the audit submitted initiative petitions that would would require the city to spend up to $120,000 on the audit.

WerlingerFormer Mayor Milton Johnson, Councilwoman Shirley Harris, and council candidates Rodrick Jackson and Martha Castelija gathered 517 signatures to put the proposed ordinance on the May 7, 2016 ballot, and county election officials must now certify the signatures.  If approved by a majority of voters, the ordinance would allow Robertson County District Attorney Coty Siegert to select the auditor (full disclosure: I drafted the ordinance).

Mr. Siegert seized thousands of pages of financial records from the City of Hearne and its banks, but he told me last Fall that his office lacked the expertise to track all of the funds.  A forensic audit would solve that problem, and the audit results would also be provided to the FBI.

In a recent message to Mr. Jackson, City Attorney Bryan F. “Rusty” Russ, Jr. claimed that the city’s funds are already audited annually and the auditors have found no problems with the city’s finances. That argument cuts both ways.  According to Councilwoman Harris, the auditors are instructed not to investigate expenditures of less than $50,000.  That would explain why the current auditors failed to detect the fact that Councilman Michael “Sticky Fingers” Werlinger received hundreds of dollars worth of football tickets that were purchased with taxpayer funds, or the fact that city officials spent taxpayer funds to buy flat-screen televisions, video games, etc. as Christmas gifts.

It would also explain why the auditors failed to detect City Manager Pee Wee Drake’s misappropriation of thousands of dollars in salary payments to a jailed city employee.  Mr. Drake was later indicted for mishandling city funds, and last week he entered a plea agreement to repay the money plus a $1,000 court fee. … Read more

Federal lawsuit filed against Grimes County Sheriff and DA

TUCKOver the last few months, I’ve blogged about the ongoing effort in Grimes County to railroad Les Shipman, Jerry Williams, and Israel Curtis on organized crime charges.  Today John Quinn and I filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against Sheriff Don Sowell and District Attorney Tuck McLain, among others.

Here’s the opening sentence of the federal complaint: “This is a case of dirty small-town politics wherein local officials are using the criminal justice system to drive a politically unpopular resident out of town.” The lawsuit speaks for itself, and you can read it all by clicking here.

We gave the sheriff and the DA every chance to do the right thing, and they dug in their heels.  Now they can explain themselves to a federal court. Let the fun begin.

State bar prosecutor dismisses grievance against Attorney General Ken Paxton

Yeah, I know. I really shouldn’t be surprised that the state bar’s Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel dismissed my February 6, 2016 grievance against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.

Ken PaxtonAs I explained in my February 11, 2016 blog post, my grievance against Mr. Paxton had far less to do with Mr. Paxton than the state bar itself.  Time and again, I’ve watched the state bar protect politically-connected attorneys, some of whom have committed serious crimes. And now the practice continues.

According to a March 9, 2016 letter from OCDC, my grievance was dismissed because the allegations are “the subject of a pending criminal case against [Mr. Paxton].”  But as I noted in the appeal that I filed this morning, nothing in the disciplinary rules prevents OCDC from prosecuting attorney misconduct charges concurrently with criminal charges.

On the contrary, “[t]he processing of a Grievance, Complaint, Disciplinary Proceeding, or Disciplinary Action is not, except for good cause, to be delayed or abated because of substantial similarity to the material allegations in pending civil or criminal litigation.” Texas Rule of Disciplinary Procedure 15.02. Granted, a delay or abatement differs from an outright dismissal, but the spirit of the rule certainly implies that OCDC should not dismiss a case simply because a related criminal case is pending. In fact, the OCDC prosecuted my grievance against former Robertson County District Attorney John Paschall concurrently with the overlapping criminal charge. … Read more

More crime and corruption in the federal judiciary

U.S. District Judge Walter S. Smith, Jr. of Waco may have illegally accepted free legal services from an attorney who practiced in his courtroom, according to documents that I obtained from that attorney, and it looks like Judge Smith’s colleagues are trying to cover up the extent of his sexual misconduct. Meanwhile in D.C., Hillary Clinton’s personal lawyer filed charges to disbar me, apparently to cover up the misconduct of his former law partner, U.S. District Judge Ellen S. Huvelle.

Judge-SmithDavid Kendall, who chaired the D.C. court’s grievance committee, began representing the Clintons before  the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and he and Judge Huvelle worked together at Williams & Connolly, L.P. from 1978 to 1990. They were partners from 1984 to 1990. As I explained in October, Judge Huvelle secretly and illegally communicated with several attorneys around the same time that she was covering up their crimes in her courtroom.

I filed a judicial misconduct complaint, and her colleagues have blocked an investigation for more than a year. At the same time, Mr. Kendall’s committee has blocked an investigation into the attorneys for more than a year. Instead, Mr. Kendall and his committee decided to seek my disbarment.

More on that below, but first the news about Judge Smith. After filing a sexual misconduct complaint against Judge Smith, I learned that attorney Greg White of Waco had been secretly representing the judge in that investigation, and that neither of them had disclosed their relationship to the attorneys who appeared before Judge Smith and opposite Mr. White. … Read more

Ken Paxton and the State Bar of Texas

Yesterday’s bad news from the State Bar of Texas may not be the last for Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. On Saturday, I filed a separate bar grievance against him for violating state securities laws.

Ken PaxtonI wasn’t planning to make the grievance public so early, and my decision to file it had surprisingly little to do with Ken Paxton himself (more on that below). That said, I now think there is a decent chance that the bar will act on the grievance.

Back in 2014, Erica Gammill of the Texas Coalition on Lawyer Accountability filed a grievance against Mr. Paxton for violating state securities laws, but the state bar dismissed the complaint without so much as an investigation. Less than a year later, however, a Collin County grand jury indicted Mr. Paxton for the same violation that was named in the 2014 bar grievance.

That begs a question: if the Texas Rangers, special prosecutors, and grand jurors found enough evidence to support a criminal charge, how can the state bar plausibly claim that there is no reason to investigate? Particularly when the criminal charge must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt, while a disciplinary charge must only be proved by the lower “preponderance of the evidence” standard? The grievance that I filed on Saturday asks that very question.

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Circling the wagons in Grimes County

Several weeks ago, a tipster told me that Grimes County Sheriff Don Sowell had sent his county-owned truck to a repair shop in suburban Houston that was allegedly owned by the sheriff’s cousin, incurring thousands of dollars worth of repair bills. Naturally, I started asking
questions, and apparently that has the local ruling class in a dither.

Jon FultzAfter sending emails and leaving voice messages for Sheriff Sowell and County Auditor Mary Nichols last week, I received the following email from County Attorney Jon C. Fultz this morning:

I would ask that you observe State Bar Rule 4.02 (communication with one represented by counsel). Should you have any further inquiries of County officials or employees, they should be directed to my office.

In other words, Mr. Fultz is telling me that he doesn’t want me talking to anyone in the courthouse. Interestingly, Mr. Fultz copied his email to County Judge Ben Leman, County Treasurer Janice Trant, Sheriff Sowell, and Ms. Nichols, even though I had never attempted to contact Judge Leman or Ms. Trant.

Frankly, I’m a little disappointed that Mr. Fultz thinks I’m dumb enough to accept such a misapplication of Rule 4.02. Here’s what the relevant part of the rule actually says:

In representing a client, a lawyer shall not communicate or cause or encourage another to communicate about the subject of the representation with a person, organization or entity of government the lawyer knows to be represented by another lawyer regarding that subject, unless the lawyer has the consent of the other lawyer or is authorized by law to do so.

Rule 4.02(a), Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct (emphasis added). I’m not representing a client. In fact, I’m not acting as an attorney in any capacity. I’m just a blogger who happens to be an attorney, and I have a First Amendment right to ask questions as I see fit. I also have a statutory right to file open records requests.

So, what’s the story with the sheriff’s truck? I’ll tell you what I know thus far. On January 12, 2016, I sent the following email to County Auditor Mary Nichols: … Read more

Judge Walter S. Smith, Jr. isn’t out of the woods just yet

As reported in the Waco Tribune-Herald this evening, I have appealed the light punishment meted out to U.S. District Judge Walter S. Smith, Jr.  You can read the full appeal letter by clicking here.  Here’s an excerpt:

…one must wonder how many felonies a judge needs to commit before the Judicial Council is willing to recommend impeachment. Is one not enough? If a courthouse security officer had forcibly groped E.S., he would have been fired summarily and probably arrested. He certainly would not have gotten away with a reprimand, sensitivity training, and a reduced workload at full pay.

Former DA to serve only 30 days in jail under plea deal

Former Robertson County District Attorney John Paschall must surrender his law license and pay restitution, but he will serve no more than 30 days in jail according to the terms of a plea deal that will be announced at a January 21, 2016 hearing. Meanwhile, an FBI agent is John Paschall booking photoasking questions about finances at Hearne City Hall (more on that below).

Paschall was indicted last year for stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from Marium Oscar, the last surviving Jewish resident of Calvert, Texas, as well as her estate. The first-degree felony charge carried the same punishment range as a murder charge: five to 99 years on prison, plus an optional fine up to $10,000.00.

One of my sources informs me that the plea will reduce the charge to a third-degree felony, which is punishable by 2-10 years in prison plus the optional $10,000 fine. Marsha Gilbert, a cousin of Ms. Oscar and one of my former clients in the civil case that uncovered the crime, said the agreed sentence is “ridiculous.”

“That is a slap on the hand,” said Ms. Gilbert. “His punishment should fit the crime and 30 days is not long enough.”

When I first learned of the agreement, I assumed that Paschall had received lighter punishment in exchange for testifying against other members of the Booger County Mafia, but Asst. Attorney General Shane Attaway, the special prosecutor assigned to Paschall, said the plea agreement does not require Paschall to testify against anyone else.

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Letter suggests sheriff used jail inmates to work on his property

An anonymous letter circulating in Anderson suggests Grimes County Sheriff Don Sowell used inmate labor on his personal property, but Sheriff Sowell says the inmates were clearing a tree that had fallen over a public roadway.

The letter includes an undated photograph of inmates working near a fence line, and you can read the letter and view the photo by clicking Sheriff Sowellhere. I asked the sheriff about the letter and the photograph, and here’s a copy of his emailed response:

From what I was told by my jailer, Glen Love, that supervises the outside inmate work crew on details around the county, the tree “on” my property had blown over and many limbs were on W. Buffington St. and the unnamed city road that divides my property and the property of Tom Johanson. He said that he moved it because it was blocking the two roadways. He said they had to cross the barbed wire fence to use the chainsaw to cut at different angles and that was the only time they were on my property inside the fence. He said they loaded up and took the limbs to the burn pile that is located on the Law Enforcement Center property adjacent to firing range. That’s about all I can say about this as I said earlier, I didn’t know about this until you brought it to my attention.

Judging from the photograph, however, it appears that the tree was blown away from the roadway and into the pasture rather than toward the roadway. Why does it matter? As the letter notes, a public official commits a crime if he or she “misuses government property, services, personnel, or any other thing of value belonging to the government that has come into the public servant’s custody or possession by virtue of the public servant’s office or employment.” See Texas Penal Code §39.02.

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