Hearne City Manager Pee Wee Drake assumed dictatorial control over the city council’s agenda this week, telling a majority of council members that he would decide what they could decide. As crazy as it sounds, Mr. Drake removed items from the agenda and added his own items without notifying the council, then became defiant when he was confronted about tampering with the official agenda.
Someone needs to help Mr. Drake understand that he works for the city council, not vice versa, and that city hall is not Pee Wee’s Playhouse. In that regard, I plan to give Mr. Drake all of the help that he needs. Today I sent a letter to District Attorney Coty Siegert on behalf of my clients on the city council, explaining that Mr. Drake likely committed a crime when he altered the agenda. As explained in that letter, it appears that Mr. Drake was acting at the direction of City Attorney Bryan F. “Rusty” Russ, Jr.
Why would Mr. Drake and Mr. Russ do something so outrageous? Because they are members of the Booger County Mafia, and the Mafia is getting really desperate. When voters recalled Councilwoman Maxine Vaughn on March 3, 2015, the 3-3 deadlock on the council was broken, and the two remaining Mafia allies on the council (Mayor Ruben Gomez and Councilman Michael Werlinger) could no longer block the efforts of my clients, i.e., reformers Hazel Embra, Joyce Rattler, and Lashunda White.
Ever since then, Mr. Gomez and Mr. Werlinger have been pouting, refusing to show up for city council meetings. Nobody would have cared but for a quirk in the city charter that requires the presence of four members for a quorum. Even though Mr. Gomez and Mr. Werlinger are only two of five members, they can still shut down city business by refusing to attend council meetings. And that is exactly what they’ve done, because the city council cannot even meet to authorize payment of the city’s bills.
Mr. Gomez and Mr. Werlinger desperately want to prevent my clients from appointing a successor to Councilwoman Vaughn, because then there will be four reformers, and they will be able to hold meetings with or without the remaining Mafia members. The new majority would also fire the criminals who have been running city hall, namely Mr. Drake and Mr. Russ.
But there is an even more important reason for the Mafia’s desperation: my clients want to hire an outside auditor to investigate city finances. Here is an excerpt from my letter to the DA:
The city’s utility rates are higher than those in most surrounding communities, and there is anecdotal evidence that friends of Mayor Gomez, et al. have lower rates, while the enemies of Mayor Gomez, et al. may experience sudden and drastic increases in their utility rates. I believe that Mayor Gomez and his allies are desperate to prevent an investigative audit, because it will likely uncover financial crimes at city hall.
Is it any wonder, then, that the Mafia was race-baiting the recall election in March?
In the altered council agenda prepared by Mr. Drake and Mr. Russ, the city council would only consider the items submitted by them, foremost of which is approval of accounts payable. Mr. Russ has a big stake in this issue, because he gets paid more than $4,700 per month for his part-time job as city attorney, an amount far higher than city attorneys in cities of comparable size.
Meanwhile, Mr. Gomez and Mr. Werlinger are up for reelection in May, and apparently they are getting a lot of negative feedback from the voters in Hearne. Mr. Russ tried to persuade my clients to remove the items from the council agenda that the Mafia did not like, but my clients refused, prompting Mr. Russ and Mr. Drake to act by force. Apparently Mr. Russ and Mr. Drake thought they could unilaterally amend the agenda and force my clients to approve accounts payable without considering any other issues.
It was a clever strategy for several reasons. On a personal level, it was a way for Mr. Russ to get himself paid. Politically, it could save Mayor Gomez and Councilman Werlinger, because it would allow them to end their unpopular boycott and get the city’s bills paid without facing their other responsibilities. Alternatively, if my clients boycotted the meeting because of the agenda tampering, they would look like the bad guys.
Clever, but not quite clever enough. Mr. Russ is a genuine expert in dirty tricks, but I’ve been fighting him long enough to know how to outmaneuver him. Under normal circumstances, the Texas Open Meetings Act requires that meeting notices / agendas be posted 72 hours in advance of a meeting, but there are exceptions. Relying on one of those exceptions, I drafted an emergency meeting notice to place three new items on the agenda for tonight’s meeting: (1) terminating Mr. Russ, (2) terminating Mr. Drake, and (3) appointing a new council member as required by the city charter. Now let’s see if Mayor Gomez and Councilman Werlinger have the testicular fortitude to show up for the meeting tonight.
Incidentally, Mr. Russ has told reporters that Mayor Gomez has been missing council meetings because “he is under a doctor’s care.” Hours before the last regular council meeting, however, witnesses observed him having lunch in Franklin. Meanwhile, local activist William Foster reports that he called the Gause post office, where Mayor Gomez works by day, and Mayor Gomez answered the phone. When Dr. Foster asked why the mayor could work but not attend council meetings, the mayor reportedly cited his doctor as saying that the council meetings were causing him too much stress.
If you think the council meetings are stressful, Mr. Mayor, just sit tight. You ain’t seen nothing yet.
If memory serves me, the council cannot appoint a replacement for Maxine Vaughn because her term would have been up in May and that does not give enough time to replace someone by appointment, therefore they must follow the election schedule mandated by the city charter and the Election Code.
About time something or someone is paying attention to the corrupted people in Hearne.
I agree with you , Carol Bates Peek !
Exactly why I left Hearne and eventually Robertson County. If Pachall can be replaced then so can Rusty Russian and Mayor Gomez. I hope the “Good” people of Hearne don’t give up.
It is sad to see my hometown in such a state… But Rusty has always been one to bend the law to suit his purposes… Hope things start changing for the better soon… Really hope Rusty gets booted…
The people of Hearne deserve a break on their electric bills and bringing in someone else to audit it could be good to show what going on.
Lord know I do not miss Hearne. I was visiting my family one Sunday. I had a person to ask me to change my address to Hearne so I could vote. I politely smiled and said I live in College Station.
oan: I know we shouldn’t be expecting our D.A. to file any criminal charges I’m starting to believe he’s slowly but surely becoming a part of Booger County Mafia in Ty voice!!!!
I don’t know why Ty has been doing all these awful things and telling all these lies about my husband. I know he has lost a lot of cases to my husband. If he can’t lose in court he shouldn’t be a lawyer. He sues the judges too! This has been going on for years. He has been sanctioned and fined in court by judges and sanctioned by the State Bar but won’t stop. He affects so many people’s lives in negative ways. I realize he is miserable and wants everyone else to be too. I’m pretty sure there is not a Robertson County Mafia…..If he really believes the things he writes he must be paranoid, because he thinks everyone is a “bad guy”. There are some “good guys” out there and my husband is one of them. I wouldn’t still be with him after 38 or so years if he wasn’t. I have not said much about the guy or the things he has done because I think he likes to rile people up. I have been praying for the guy for a long time, that he can get well and get his own life, be happy. Anybody who wants to help me pray for the guy I’d appreciate it, he is obviously very sick and needs help.
I sat in a court room for months and I listened and watched time and time again to John Paschal caught in lie after lie trying to hide the fact that he had stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Estate of Marium Oscar and then after Ty Clevenger amassed a mountain of proof against him that proved beyond any shadow of doubt that he was as guilty as sin. Mr. Russ also “appeared” to have an issue representing the truth and showed no respect when ordered by the Court to produce documents that he had already admitted to possessing. It appears that Mr. Russ has no problem dishonestly represents dishonest people and then is shocked and infuriated when an honest attorney like Ty Clevenger consistently outsmarts and out manuvers him in each and every court session that I witnessed . This is why Ty Clevenger is an American hero. He charged the Estate absolutely nothing to be able to do the right thing, while Russ and Paschall whittled away any chance at all money from the Estate and any chance for real justice. Yes, sorry to say, this rusty , redneck mafia does exist!
Everyone is entitled to there on opinion and I see some people are still hiding in the shadows
Too bad you weren’t around when I had problems with Hearne. Thieves, liars, and crooks! Then they harass you Too. Clean city hall, the PD, and those council members out! PeeWee has been in trouble before and is bad!
I seen on the news the mayor said he not attending the meetings BC its illegal. The only way you can have a special meeting is for natural disasters. You can’t have special called meeting to fire city employees. Did he forget it was a special called meeting that they called to fire officer stem a city of Hearne employee. These Ppl are desperate and hiding something!!!!!